Your OG Wendy’s

Alli Trussell and Joy Sybesma are the Co-Founders of Wendy Road. Their shared passion for People, Community, and Leveling Up was the impetus for starting Wendy Road.

Alli Trussell is the SVP of People at Bilt Rewards, where she brings a unique blend of creativity and strategic insight to organizational design and people programs. A former actor turned business leader, Alli’s background in running theater companies has given her a dynamic (and out-of-the-box) approach to building and leading high-performing teams.

With a focus on innovation in the people space, Alli continues to challenge conventional methods and strives to create a symbiotic relationship of hyper-performance between employees and the organizations they serve.

Why She’s a Wendy: “I don’t believe there are ‘rules’ (outside of general human decency) that need to be followed in HR. I believe “pro-business” is also “pro-people”, and that when you try to solve for everyone, you solve for no one. I know first hand that some of the best ideas come in the craziest wrapping paper. And I’m beyond excited to tackle this together.”

Joy Sybesma is the Founder & CEO of ScaleJOY, a company that focuses on leadership development for CEOs, Exec Teams and Managers at scaling organizations. Since founding ScaleJOY in 2020, they have supported over 150 clients. In addition to running her business, Joy has led and continues to lead CEO and Chief People Officer peer groups. Joy spent the majority of her career working in New York City, where she was the Chief People Officer for Dataiku and Kargo. Prior to those experiences, Joy held various HR and Talent roles at media and retail organizations and co-founded an HR consulting firm, P5 Collaborative Consulting. Joy is an alumnus of The University of Minnesota and a Harvard University certified Leadership Coach. She lives on Isle of Palms, SC with her husband and two daughters.

Why She’s a Wendy: 

“I’ve been compared to the infamous character from Billions (our muse, Wendy Rhoades) many times. And I’m sure you all have been as well.  That was me at my best. At my worst, I was burnt out and ineffective. As I look back on the times I was in my element and in my power, I was intellectually stimulated, having fun, and had a community of high performing supporters cheering me on and holding me accountable.

Lately I’ve been hearing feedback from fellow C-suite leaders who want to get the mojo back for themselves, their teams, and their companies. They also want more than anything to be successful. But the conferences and masterminds just aren’t cutting it. 

20 years into my career, 5 of which have been as the Founder and CEO of ScaleJOY, I am taking everything I have learned and building the forum I never could find but always craved.”

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